Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop is the creator of The Conscious Service Approach; a research-based set of principles designed to enhance both the experience of Service Providers as well as the quality of service offered. She holds a diploma in Developmental Services, a Bachelor degree in Psychology and Religious Studies, and a Masters degree in Adult Education.

With a background of more than thirty-five years in human services, Elizabeth’s experience ranges from facility to community-based services, and from direct service provision to management and leadership responsibilities. She has specialized in developmental services, brain injury rehabilitation, and mental health programs.  She has taught at the post-secondary level for more than twenty-five years, including formal academic programs, as well as continuing education and professional development training.

Elizabeth currently coordinates a Caregiver Support Program in North Vancouver and continues to teach in human services programs via distance education with Confederation College in Ontario. Elizabeth is a regular contributor with various online publications and has written academically for Nelson Publishers and IGI Global.

As the Founder of Elizabeth Bishop Consulting, she facilitates an ongoing discussion about what it means to be of service through regular blogs, social media presence, workshops, and online courses and webinars.

Throughout her academic and professional career, Elizabeth became keenly aware of the gap between the high ideals and values associated with the Helping Professions and the reality of how this is lived and experienced by Service Providers. This realization coupled with Elizabeth’s intimate exploration of spirituality and personal growth led directly to the birth of The Conscious Service Approach. 

Initially inspired to a Vocation of Service through a book she read as a teenager, Elizabeth answered this calling early in life. She went on to experience first hand the disillusionment common to many Service Providers when the fantasy of this “life of service” turns into a bad dream filled with witnessing trauma, pushing papers, and navigating dysfunctional systems. This was her initiation into Mastery of the Alternative Perspective.

Elizabeth believes that being of service extends far beyond the tasks involved. Service is an energy ~ a way of being ~ an expression of the soul. It is ultimately a path to meaningful connection not only with others, but also with oneself. 

Elizabeth will begin the pursuit of her PhD in September 2020 with a view to expand on the principles of the Conscious Service approach in ways that further deepen impact and facilitate integration.