Bridge for Health is cooperative where you can bring YOUR ideas!
We recognize that we often work in silos, whether we work in government, workplaces, community settings or schools.
If we come together, we can have a collective impact and co-produce knowledge that can help us solve our most pressing and complex issues. Big challenges requires new thinking!
Ideas we are working on!
Wellbeing @ Work Innovation Labs
Health Literacy to Promote Youth Civic Engagement
Engaging Youth in Global Policy
Taking Action on Stigma & Social Inclusion
You are invited to spread your idea by writing to us today!
Contact us today for more information
You can also share your ideas on or on twitter @Bridge4Health
Everyone has knowledge to share. Your story can make a difference.
Bridge for Health Cooperative (B4H) owns the copyright and all other rights of all writings and materials of any nature made available by B4H. No materials can be copied, modified, adapted, loaned, sold, distributed, displayed or otherwise made available without the prior written consent of B4H.