By Deborah Kinvig, Executive Coach
Life as we all know can be a juggling act. If promoting our health is indeed about controlling the things in our life that impact our lives, then controlling our work environment seems critical. There are a number of initiatives around the world creating healthier workplaces with better policies and organizational practices to support employees. However, no matter where we live, or what career we have chosen, we recognize that many things at work that are going to be outside of our control.
Some of us are privileged with the possibility of reflecting and taking a personal inventory on just how we feel about where we work and what we do for a living. The old adage is that if you do what is your passion success will follow. It seems these days that finding that mix of passion and making a living is more difficult to find, and sometimes taking a job for the pay check can mean delaying doing what we really want to do because after all the rent has to be payed!
This can make us feel stuck us in a rut, like things are not going to change or move forward. See if any of these examples apply to you of how it feels when you are stuck ….
- You can only see one way forward and it’s not a way you want to take
- You have too many options and are unable to make a choice
- You are doing what you are told to do and not what needs to be done
- You know things are not working and are too close to the problem
- You are doing it all on your own and it is wearing you out
- You are waiting to be rescued and your superhero isn’t turning up
- You are still in the race, but have secretly given up
- You don’t know what to do to make things better
- You are in the wrong race, running flat out
- You have big dreams and you are too afraid to make them reality
- You don’t have any dreams, or the dreams you have had died and you are on automatic pilot.
If any of these feelings of being stuck relate to you here are some steps you can take today to move yourself forward and get your working life mojo back.
- Take personal responsibility for where you are in your work life career and the current situation (it is what it is).
- Determine what it is specifically that is causing you to become burnt out, dis-engaged and unhappy in your workplace.
- Take some time to reflect on what your part in this may be. What are the actions and behaviors you engage in that may be contagious and effecting your work mates?
- What are the implications on each area of your life of the possibilities for something new?
- Make some short term, medium term and long-term goals around what you really want to do with your work life.
- Find a trusted friend or a Coach to discuss and hammer out some action steps that will move you forward when you are feeling stuck.
- Remain hopeful, life pushes us forward and change is inevitable. The work situation that is poor now, may change in just a few months.
And finally, if you notice your mental health is suffering because of your work environment, for example if you are relying on alcohol to ease the stress, or you are not doing the normal things you enjoy; if your sleep is increasingly poor, or you are becoming anxious about work and worrying too much outside of work hours about your job – seek care from your health care provider to discuss.
Deborah Kinvig, Executive Coach & Consultant,
Founder, ‘The Red Rata Group’
Coaching and Consulting Collaborative