Dr. Trevor Hancock is a public health physician and health promotion consultant and is currently a Professor and Senior Scholar at the new School of Public Health and Social Policy at the University of Victoria. He is one of the founders of the (now global) Healthy Cities and Communities movement and originated the term ‘healthy public policy’. Over the past 30 years he has worked as a consultant for local communities, municipal, provincial and national governments, health care organizations, NGOs and the World Health Organization.
His main areas of interest are population health promotion, healthy cities and communities, public health, healthy public policy, environment and health (he co-founded the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment), healthy and ‘green’ hospitals (he co-founded the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care), health policy and planning, and health futurism. He has been described as “one of the ten best health futurists in the world”.
Nationally, he is a member of the Canadian Council on the Social Determinants of Health, a member of the Board of the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada, and is on the Advisory Council of the Arts and Health Network Canada. He is leading a CPHA workgroup that is revising and updating a 1992 report on the ecological determinants health. In BC he is a member of the Board of BC Healthy Communities and Co-Director of the Core Public Health Functions Research Initiative at UVic.