Chandana Unnithan PhD, MbusComp, MBA, is a global expert/advisor and Professor in Public Health Informatics, Health Systems Implementation projects. She is an official delegate representing Australia to the UN in the Scientific and Technical Sub Committee (STSC), Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA). She is also a health technology and informatics expert in the working group on Space and Global Health (WG-SGH) within the UN COPUOS, engaged in building applied projects that intersect space technologies and global health. The group is represented by members from space agencies (incl. Australia Space Agency, NASA, ESA, CSA, etc.), WHO, Public Health agencies and experts in Digital Health from various countries.
Chandana has spent multiple years in pioneering/implementing innovative technologies (IoT) for public health enhancements. She is an invited expert and advisor to companies in blockchain, remote sensing, geo-spatial applications, and health informatics (MLA, AI). As an applied scientist, Chandana is widely published across technical and high impact journals (e.g. Nature), international conference proceedings, edited books, books, research videos and webinars. She is an invited speaker for international conferences and is on multiple program committees in Australia, USA, Canada and Europe.
As a professor, Chandana continues to mentor a diverse cohort of international multi-disciplinary (graduate) students (particularly practitioners in the health sector) combining flipped classroom approaches with e-learning, using online platforms (WebCT, Blackboard, Moodle and Desire2Learn. Her success is also reflected in the global internship programs with a conversion rate of 80% graduate students into full time career positions. She continues to lead applied research programs in partnership with universities (e.g. University of British Columbia) and health sector organisations globally.